Privacy Policy

In this Privacy Policy, we have outlined the ways in which collects certain information from site visitors and how this data is later stored, processed, and used. We only collect the Personal Data of our users to provide a casino and deposit-matching service, as well as to maintain and improve this website. The user’s Personal Data is collected in complete compliance with the latest data protection legislation.


In the sections that follow, we have provided detailed information on how gathers and handles the Personal Data of site visitors, as well as our legal justifications for this data collection and processing. In addition, we have also included clarifications about the specific data protection rights our users are entitled to.

To better understand this Policy, we encourage you to familiarise yourself with the legal terms defined below.


  • Personal Data: All information and details about a person that can be used to potentially identify them. This includes legal name, physical and electronic addresses, phone number, and other attributes further outlined in Article 4(1) of the GDPR.
  • Data Controller: The person, company, or other entity with the power to decide what types of Personal Data will be gathered, who will process them and how, and what the data thereby collected will be used for. When it comes to this website, is the Data Controller.
  • Data Processor: The organisation or person(s) appointed by the Data Controller to gather, process, store, or otherwise handle users’ Personal Data. A website may work with many different Data Processors at the same time.
  • Personal Data Processing: An umbrella term for all possible operations and manipulations with the user data collected by a website. The list of possible operations includes but is not limited to data storage, transfer, sharing, amendment, deletion, and more.
  • GDPR: REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC.

Methods for Collecting Personal Data

In order to adequately provide the services we showcase on and meet our legal obligations, we must gather some Personal Data from site visitors. Below, we have outlined the different ways in which users transmit this data to us:

  • Users sharing data voluntarily through website usage:

Site visitors naturally share some of their Personal Data while browsing our website or requesting our services. For instance, if a user submits our contact form or applies for a bonus, they may have to provide their full name and email address. We always ask for our clients’ informed consent before such data is collected.

  • Users sharing data in communication with

Furthermore, site visitors may willingly provide more information when they engage in communication with They may offer more details about their situation, experience with our services, and so forth while speaking to via our contact form or by email, for example. Since the users provide this information at their discretion, it is considered as consensually given. If some of the data shared with us in this way does not pertain to the discussion or is not necessary for the fulfilment of the user’s request, will not process it.

  • Further information collected through cookies:

In addition, the cookies we use on may gather more information about site visitors. Cookies may detect details such as location, demographic data, and browsing preferences. We do not use this information to single out particular users but rather to study our client base and understand their needs better so we may provide a better service in the future.

Grounds for Processing Personal Data

The processing of site visitors’ Personal Data is required so that may deliver its affiliate marketing service and link users with suitable online casinos or grant them access to exclusive deals and bonuses. Moreover, we also need some of our users’ data to study our site’s performance and plan technical or content improvements. We conform to the current privacy legislation in the regions where we are active.

To further illustrate our data collection needs, here are the legal grounds for Personal Data gathering and processing relies on:

  • The successful provision of services: We require some basic personal details from our customers to adequately fulfil our services, such as connecting them with an online casino or finding them active promotional offers.
  • Meeting legal obligations: Some legislation, such as the GDPR, for instance, requires as a Data Collector to gather certain information about site visitors.
  • Pursuing our legitimate business interests: As an online business, we also have a legitimate interest in maintaining the quality of the website and continuously improving it, for which we gather some technical and browsing data from site visitors. This data helps us evaluate the performance of our site.
  • Other consensual forms of data collection: Aside from the use cases mentioned above, users may also share other Personal Data with with their freely given, informed consent.

Note that while is the Data Collector for this website, it is not the Data Processor. We do not keep any of our customers’ information on our site’s servers. Instead, all information is relayed to our third-party casino partners when the user requests our casino-matching service. These casinos act as the Data Processors when the client agrees to share their Personal Data with them.

If there is anything else you wish to know about Personal Data collection and processing not covered in this document, please refer to the casino we connected you with, as it is the Data Processor in your case.

Uses of Your Personal Data

For our platform to function properly and deliver the high-quality services we advertise, we need to gather and use some of our site visitors’ Personal Data. 

Here are the various categories of use cases for the data collected via the methods previously described: 

  • Connecting the user to online casinos and special offers: We must collect and use the customer’s name and email if they request our casino-matching service, since we need to relay this information to our partners so they may provide gambling services and bonuses to our clients.
  • Communicating with the user: To be able to respond to user inquiries, we need them to share their contact information with us when submitting the Contact Us form.
  • Notifying the user of promotions: If the customer has explicitly agreed to receive notifications about new services or promotional offers, we need to process their Data to send them this information.
  • Researching website upgrades: The platform also needs to view and process users’ Personal Data when looking into website performance. We use this valuable insight to identify aspects of our website that can be improved further so we may deliver an even more satisfactory browsing experience in the future.

Cookie Use

Like all modern websites, relies on cookies to identify users and study their browsing preferences. While this information is not used to track the user, it does help us understand our clients’ needs and preferences better. As a result, cookies are an invaluable tool that our technical staff relies on to find areas for improvement on our website. 

When browsing, customers may encounter three different kinds of cookies.

Permanent Cookies

These essential cookies enable certain features on our website. If you disable them, you may be locked out from some services or site sections, which would negatively impact your browsing experience.

Google Analytics Cookies

The platform may also use Google Analytics cookies to further study the preferences of our users and deliver a more enjoyable browsing experience. Note that as per our agreement with Google, the latter is not permitted to use our users’ data for its own purposes.

Third-party Cookies

Our website may also include cookies that belong to our third-party partners. These cookies help make the transition from our site to theirs seamless and improve your experience with our site.

How Do We Store Personal Data?

None of the information we collect from site visitors is saved on’s servers. Since we are not the Data Processor, we have no need for this data. Instead, all user information is transmitted to our affiliate partners – the online casinos has recommended to the client. The company or companies the customer decides to engage with are the ones who store and process the client’s information. 

Our partners remain committed to following all relevant privacy legislation, whether it is the GDPR or foreign equivalent. Still, we recommend that our users thoroughly inspect each online casino’s Privacy Policy to learn more, as some clauses may not be the same as the conditions laid out on 

Is Your Personal Data Safe?

To provide maximum security to our customers, the website meets the latest web safety requirements and has a valid SSL certificate to properly encrypt user data. 

Moreover, we follow very strict data-sharing policies and do not reveal our customers’ information to any unauthorised third parties. All potential data sharing occurs with the user’s explicit, informed consent. If a legitimate third party, such as an organisation or the local authorities, request access to your Personal Data, we undertake to inform you of this development within a reasonable timeframe and formally obtain your consent, if the law demands it, before sharing your information.

As for data safety within, we have structured our workflow in a way that ensures your Data passes through the fewest number of staff required for the delivery of the services you request of us. In addition, all employees are under confidentiality agreements and are legally prohibited from sharing any details about our customers’ Personal Data with anyone.

Nevertheless, in some circumstances, may be contacted by third parties with requests for access to a user’s Personal Data. For instance, if the authorities are conducting an investigation that involves one or more of our clients and they require details about those users’ experience on, we may need to comply with the law and respect this request. 

However, rest assured that the staff will meticulously investigate all such requests to confirm if their origin is legitimate. We shall also examine the local legislation to determine whether we are, in fact, required to comply or if our users’ data privacy rights outweigh the request. Our utmost intention is to protect the Personal Data customers share with us to the extent to which data protection laws account for it.

Who Has Access to Your Personal Data?

As previously mentioned, will always notify customers if a third party is asking to see their data and request their consent in all cases where consent is necessary.

Still, we advise you to check the Privacy Policies of third-party sites you use, even if you were redirected to them from, to learn about how they process and share your information.

Note that aside from and our affiliate partners, there may be more parties legally authorised to view your Personal Data. For example, any hosting company that works with may be entitled to access your information as part of the technical requirements for the maintenance and functioning of our website. 

Even so, all parties that do have access to your Personal Data view and process it in accordance with the GDPR and any other applicable privacy laws.

What Are Your Data Protection Rights?

Data privacy legislation like the GDPR and some of its foreign equivalents entitle all site users to the following rights:

  • The right to see your data: Customers have the right to view what data has collected from them.
  • The right to amend your data: Clients also have the right to change the information has recorded about them if it was incorrectly saved or needs to be updated.
  • The right to limit access to your data: Users may also request that limits access to their Personal Data in special circumstances outlined in the GDPR. For instance, if the client is in the middle of a data processing dispute, they may want their information to be kept private until a decision is reached.
  • The right to move your data: Clients can also ask the Data Controller to share or send their information to another third party they have selected.
  • The right to delete your data: Users may request that deletes the Personal Data collected about them. When such a request appears, we also need to inform the Data Processors works with about the request so they may delete their own copies of this data as well.
  • The right to file a complaint about data processing: If the users deem that something is amiss with the way their data is collected or processed, they can file a formal complaint with the relevant authorities.

Additionally, site users may also:

  • Decline to consent to’s Privacy Policy and data collection or processing (though, in this case, they cannot avail of our services);
  • Contest the grounds has presented as legitimate interest in data collection and processing if they can prove our reasons do not outweigh their privacy rights.

If you have any other questions about this Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. You can reach us via the form on our Contact Us page. For data processing questions, we recommend you turn directly to the online casinos we have connected you with, as they are the Data Processors qualified to answer.

Policy Changes

We fully reserve the right to change the contents of this Privacy Policy or any other sections and pages of We shall try to inform our clients of upcoming changes in advance, but we may still implement some amendments without prior notice. 

Content changes come into effect from the moment they are published live on, or from your next visit to the site if you happen to already be on it when the changes are implemented. 

Whether you routinely check this Policy for changes or not, your continued use of our site signifies your agreement and consent to them.

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