Michael Rose

Michael Rose was always interested in games, ever since his first console as a kid. However, it wasn’t until 2005 that he discovered casinos. The unique rush they are able to evoke in players spoke to him immediately and he was hooked (in a good way).

With his quick understanding of game rules and mechanics, Michael is the king of figuring out what the winning combinations are in casino games. More importantly, having played many of them, he can quickly determine whether a game is worth his time or if there are better alternatives. His philosophy is to always have as much fun as possible - and if he wins any money in the process, even better! 

Thanks to his next-level sense of gaming and impeccable intuition regarding a game’s risk-to-reward ratio, Michael Rose is one of our leading casino researchers. Though he starts off with the game selection of each casino, he is also an expert when it comes to good deals. No stranger to hunting for and working with bonuses, Michael’s always your guy if you need someone to point you in the direction of a worthy deal!

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